Sarah Mangrum


Mammographer/Radiologic Technologist turned Data-Driven Healthcare Professional.
Animal Enthusiast. TV/Movie Junkie. Continuous Learner.
I love taking on new challenges and enjoy helping others.
Seeking my first Data Analyst role.

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The World Bank: An Analysis of Finances Around the Globe

The World Bank Group is a unique global partnership of five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries consisting of 189 member countries, staff from over 170 countries, and over 130 office locations. The WBG has helped over 100 developing countries and, those in transition, adjust to the many changes in the world economy over the last 70 years by offering loans and tailored knowledge & advice.


My analysis covered insights in the following areas:


Using SQL, I conducted a comprehensive financial analysis of credits and grants issued by the International Development Association (IDA), 1 of the 5 institutions of The World Bank. The IDA provides concessional financing to some of the world’s poorest countries to help lift themselves out of poverty. This financing lets countries work toward economic efficiency providing access to health, nutrition, social services, and a better quality of life.

The data consists of over 1.24M rows and 30 columns provided from November 2022. It is also updated monthly by the 10th business day at As noted on the site, the IDA credits are public and publicly guaranteed debt extended by the World Bank Group. The IDA provides development credits, grants, and guarantees to its recipient member countries to help meet their development needs. Credits from the IDA are at concessional rates and data are in U.S. dollars calculated using historical rates. The World Bank complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions. You will also find a detailed data dictionary among other details.

To perform my analysis, I uploaded the data and ran SQL queries using, an open-source tool that allows its users to run SQL queries exclusively in-browser eliminating the need to download software like MySQL on their computer.


SQL commands used while performing my analysis include:


The main purpose of the analysis was to look over the dataset of IDA transactions consisting of loans in the form of credits or grants and provide insights on the following questions:

I started with a simple SELECT * FROM table_name query to become more familiar with the data and get a feel for things. There are over 1.24 Million rows representing the total amount of transactions made with the IDA. Because the dataset consists of over 1M rows I added a LIMIT clause to the initial query to only display the first several hundred rows. Note: I also had to add a LIMIT clause to other queries due to the large size of the dataset.

Next, I queried to find the total amount owed to the IDA using a SUM function. The total is over 19 Trillion US dollars ($19,204,389,797,689.50).

I then wanted to take a look at the total number of transactions with balances due per country using the borrower, DueToIda, and country fields. The initial query resulted in multiple borrowers with zero dollars owed and borrowers with the same or similar names listed so I filtered out the zero balances using a WHERE clause. Results showed that there were over 639,000 loans with balances due at the time of my analysis.

Of those 639,000 loans, how many loans are held by each country? Using a COUNT function with GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses, I ran another query. Results indicated there were 136 countries with outstanding loans. At the time of analysis, India held the top position with 56,190 outstanding loans. Among the top 5 countries were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Ghana.

Next, I set out to find which country owed the largest amount in loans to the IDA and which owed the least. Using MAX/MIN functions, results showed that India owes the largest single loan amount just shy of 800 Million US dollars coming in at $793,256,128.00. Mozambique appears to have a credit in the amount of -$5.37.

With India owing just shy of 800M US dollars to the IDA, I wanted to dive a little deeper. First, I listed all 56,190 transactions and their corresponding fields for the country.

Next, I filtered to find the total number of projects for India. There are over 39,500 different project names listed for India.

Some projects have multiple loans. For Example, there are over 136 HIGHWAYS, 294 RAILWAYS, and 276 TELECOMMUNICATIONS projects all of which have a ZERO Balance.

Next, I wanted to know which project in India was responsible for the highest balance owed. Results revealed that the IN: SSA III, an elementary school education project focused on providing better outcomes for children, was the largest loan owed by India and the largest loan owed to the IDA at nearly $800 Million US dollars.

IDA loan financing terms are determined with reference to recipient countries’ risk of debt distress, the level of GNI per capita, and creditworthiness for the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) borrowing. The average service rate charge for an IDA loan was 0.77% at the time of my analysis. Rates were as high as 4.95% and as low as 0%. ida.worldbank.org


The IDA has served as a primary source of financing since its creation in 1960. There are currently a total of 75 countries eligible to receive IDA resources. With funding, some of the world’s poorest countries have been given the tools necessary to confront the effects of poverty and, the ability to develop themselves at a rate that far exceeds what they could have done alone. Some countries have even come full circle and are now contributors to the very institution that provided aid in their time of need.

The work that the IDA undertakes should not be measured in dollars and cents but, rather, in the immense impact that can be seen in developing countries around the globe 🌎.

Thank you to all who took the time to review my latest project!

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I am currently looking for a Data Analyst position with remote/hybrid opportunities based out of Texas.